Hackl, Christoph (Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.)

Hochschule München
Lothstr. 64
80335 München, Germany

Phone +49.89.1265.3417 
Fax +
Building R5.001 (Lothstr. 64)
Room R5.001

Email christoph.hackl [@] hm.edu

Fachgebiete / Forschungsschwerpunkte

  • dynamische Systeme (Modellierung, Regelung und Optimierung)
  • elektrische Maschinen
  • elektrische Antriebssysteme
  • Leistungselektronik
  • mechatronische und regenerative Energiesysteme


Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen

Eine vollständige Liste aller Veröffentlichungen findet sich auf der Seite Publikationen.

10.S. Wiedemann and C.M. Hackl, “Simultaneous Identification of Inverter and Machine Nonlinearities for Self-Commissioning of Electrical Synchronous Machine Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2023 (doi: 10.1109/TEC.2023.3263353).
9.S.W. Su, C.M. Hackl and R. Kennel, “Analytical Prototype Functions for Flux Linkage Appro- ximation in Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2022.
8.C.M Hackl, J. Kullick and N. Monzen, „Optimale Betriebsführung von nichtlinearen Synchronmaschinen“, in Elektrische Antriebe – Regelung von Antriebssystemen (5. Auflage), Springer-Verlag, 2020.
7.C.M. Hackl and M. Landerer, “Modified second-order generalized integrators with modified frequency locked loop for fast harmonics estimation of distorted single-phase signals”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019 (doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2932790).
6.H. Eldeeb; A. S. Abdel-Khalik; C. Hackl, “Dynamic Modelling of Dual Three-Phase IPMSM Drives with different Neutral Configurations”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018 (doi: 10.1109/TIE.2018.2823684).
5.H. Eldeeb, A. S. Abdel-Khalik, C.M. Hackl, “Post-Fault Full Torque-Speed Exploitation of Dual Three-Phase IPMSM Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018 (doi: 10.1109/TIE.2018.2880698).
4.C.M. Hackl, U. Pecha, K. Schechner, “Modeling and control of permanent-magnet synchronous generators under open-switch converter faults”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018 (doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2855423).
3.C. M. Hackl, „Non-identifier based adaptive control in mechatronics: Theory and application“, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-55036-7, 2017 (Publication date: May 2017, see https://www.springerprofessional.de/non-identifier-based-adaptive-control-in-mechatronics/12290362).
2.H. Eldeeb, C. M. Hackl, L. Horlbeck, and J. Kullick, “A unified theory for optimal feedforward torque control of anisotropic synchronous machines,” International Journal of Control, 2017 (doi: 10.1080/00207179.2017.1338359).
1.Z. Zhang, C.M. Hackl, and R. Kennel, „Computationally Efficient DMPC for Three-level NPC Back-to-Back Converters in Wind TurbineSystems With PMSG”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017 (doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2637081).


109.C.M. Hackl, „Advanced optimal feedforward torque control and operation management of electrical drives“, ISIE 2023, Helsinki, Finnland (invited tutorial presentation; Handout).
108.C.M. Hackl, “Faults in Modular Multilevel Cascade Converters”, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 16.12.2022 (with Prof. Felix Rojas; invited talk).
107.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear modeling, identification and optimal feedforward torque control of induction machines using steady-state machine maps”, University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 21.09.2022 (invited talk).
106.C.M. Hackl, “Artificial Neural Network based Optimal Feedforward Torque Control of Synchronous Machines”, University of Padua, Vicenza, Italy, 20.09.2022 (invited talk).
105.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control with internal model and anti-windup for input-saturated mechatronic systems”, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, 13.09.2022 (invited talk; MTNS Invited Session on “Adaptive Control under Input or Output Constraints”).
104.C.M. Hackl, “ANN-based OFTC of Synchronous Machines”, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Garching, Germany, 01.08.2022 (invited talk; Prof. Ralph Kennel’s Farewell Symposium).
103.C.M. Hackl, “ANN-based OFTC of Synchronous Machines”, University of Bremen, Germany, 07.06.2022 (invited talk).
102.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear modeling, identification and optimal feedforward torque control of induction machines using steady-state machine maps”, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 01.04.2022 (invited talk).
101.C.M. Hackl, “Artificial Neural Network based Optimal Feedforward Torque Control of Synchronous Machines”, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 30.03.2022 (invited talk).
100.C.M. Hackl, “Optimal operation of electrical drives”, Key note at IEEE Conference “Advances in Electrical Machines, Drives & Vehicles” (online), 08.09.2021 (invited talk).
99.C.M. Hackl, “A generic framework to minimize copper and iron losses in electrical machines in real time”, Technical University of Darmstadt, 13.07.2021 (invited talk).
98.C.M. Hackl, “A holistic view on digital twins in the future energy system”, Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC; online), 25.05.2021 (Special Session).
97.C.M. Hackl, “Online Loss Minimization for Electrical Machines”, IEEE-IES Webinar (online), 21.04.2021 (invited talk).
96.C.M. Hackl, “Multi-objective optimization: An introduction”, ISES Scientific Seminar (online), 29.03.2021.
95.C.M. Hackl, “Power Electronics in Bavaria …and how adding intelligence makes it the enabling techno- logy for the Energiewende”, Netzwerktreffen des BayWISS Verbundkollegs Energie (online), 27.10.2020 (invited talk).
94.C.M. Hackl, “Airborne Wind Energy – Session 3F: Electrical system”, IEA WIND, Topical Expert Meeting TEM 102 (online), 24.10.2020 (invited talk).
93.C.M. Hackl, “Optimal operation of synchronous machines – A complete framework to minimize copper & iron losses”, AUDI AG, Ingolstadt, 14.10.2020 (eingeladener Vortrag). “Netzzustandserkennung mithilfe interner Modelle”, Elgersburg Workshop 2020, Germany, 19.02.2020 (invited talk).
92.C.M. Hackl, “Netzzustandserkennung mithilfe interner Modelle”, Elgersburg Workshop 2020, Germany, 19.02.2020 (eingeladener Vortrag).
91.C.M. Hackl, “Grid state estimation of arbitrarily distorted grids”, German-Turkish Workshop, Technical University of Munich, 10.02.2020.
90.C.M. Hackl, “Internal model based grid state estimation”, Workshop of the Institute of Sustainable Energy Systems (ISES), Munich University of Applied Sciences, 09.12.2019.
89.C.M. Hackl, “Reluctance Synchronous Motors for ESP Systems”, Geothermal Energy Systems Workshop, Technical University of Munich, 11.12.2019.
88.C.M. Hackl, “Generic loss minimization in synchronous machines by analytically computed optimal reference currents”, ALM Symposium, Switzerland, 30.07.2019 (invited talk).
87.C.M. Hackl, “Internal model based grid state estimation”,Technical University Ilmenau, Germany, 19.06.2019 (invited talk).
86.C.M. Hackl, “Analytische Berechnung der optimalen Sollströme für beliebige Synchronmaschinen zur Mini- mierung der Kupfer- & Eisenverluste in allen Betriebsbereichen”, LMRES Workshop on “Efficient Electrical Drives”, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 17.05.2019.
85.C.M. Hackl, “Generic loss minimization of synchronous machines by analytically computed optimal reference currents”, University of Paderborn, Germany, 15.03.2019 (invited talk).
84.C.M. Hackl, “Grid state estimation: An internal model based approach”, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 15.02.2019 (Habilitation final presentation).
83.C.M. Hackl, “Modeling and control of wind turbine systems with open switch converter faults”, German-Turkish Workshop, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 23.07.2018.
82.C.M. Hackl, “Non-identifier based adaptive control with internal models for mechatronic energy systems”, 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Munich, Germany, 20.03.2018 (invited talk).
81.C.M. Hackl, “Parallelized Second-Order Generalized Integrators (SOGIs) for balanced and unbalanced grid conditions”, German-Turkish Project Meeting & Workshop, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 20.09.2017.
80.C.M. Hackl, “Is MPC really suitable for power electronic systems?”, MPC Workshop, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 19.09.2017 (eingeladener Vortrag).
79.C.M. Hackl, “Analytical computation of the optimal reference currents for MTPC/MTPA, MTPV and MT- PF operation of anisotropic synchronous machines considering stator resistance and mutual inductance”, EPE 2017 ECCE Europe Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 13.09.2017.
78.C.M. Hackl, “Model predictive control with analytical solution and integral error feedback for current control of doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) with LC filter”, 4th Symposium on Predictive Con- trol of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Pilsen, Czech Republic, 05.09.2017 (Session Chair).
77.C.M. Hackl, “Optimal feedforward torque control of anisotropic synchronous machines with analytical solution considering stator resistance and cross-coupling inductance”, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 01.08.2017 (invited talk).
76.C.M. Hackl, “The (future) electrical power system dynamics: A systems theoretical point of view”, TUM-CREATE, Singapore, 07.06.2017 (invited talk).
75.C.M. Hackl, “Modeling and control of renewable energy systems”, TUM-CREATE, Singapore, May-July 2017 (invited lecture series).
74.C.M. Hackl, “The dynamics of the (future) electrical power system: A systems theoretical point of view”, Technical University of Munich, 20.04.2017 (invited talk).
73.C.M. Hackl, “Observer state feedback current control of grid-connected voltage source inverters with LCL filter”, Munich University of Applied Sciences, 06.04.2017 (invited talk).
72.C.M. Hackl, “Optimal feedforward torque control of anisotropic synchronous machines with analytical solution considering stator resistance and mutual inductance”, Munich University of Applied Sciences, 31.03.2017 (invited talk).
71.C.M. Hackl, “Optimale Betriebsführung, Momentenvorsteuerung und analytische Stromreferenzberechnung zur Verlustminimierung in anisotropen Synchronmaschinen”, Volkswagen AG, Salzgitter, Ger- many 06.–07.03.2017 (invited talk).
70.C.M. Hackl, “A unified theory for optimal feedforward torque control of anisotropic synchronous machines”, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 18.01.2017 (Habilitation mid-term presentation).
69.C.M. Hackl, “Regelung von regenerativen Energiesystemen”, Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme, Technical University of Munich, 21.11.2016.
68.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”,Internationales Geothermiezentrum Bochum, 24.10.2016.
67.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, WindForS Board Meeting, Stuttgart, 13.10.2016.
66.C.M. Hackl, “Regelung von regenerativen Energiesystemen und das Teilprojekt ’Tauchkreiselpumpe’ ”, Vor- abtreffen mit Geothermieanlagen-Betreibern im Rahmen des Geothermie-Allianz Bayern Pro- jektes, Sauerlach, 22.09.2016
65.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, Meeting with Stadtwerke München (SWM), Technical University of Munich, 17.05.2016.
64.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear methods for renewable energy systems”, ENER16 — Simposio Energías Renovables, Curicó, Chile, 13.05.2016 (invited talk).
63.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, DIE University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 10.05.2016 (invited talk).
62.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear control of renewable energy systems”,Duoc UC,Santiago de Chile, Chile, 06.05.2016 (invited talk).
61.C.M. Hackl, “Projektbezogen Studieren – Aktives Studieren im Team: Projektstudium Antriebstechnik”, Forum der Lehre, Coburg, 29.04.2016 (invited talk).
60.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear methods for renewable energy systems”, IEEE Joint IAS/PELS/IES German Chapter Meeting, Technical University of Munich, 21.04.2016 (invited talk).
59.C.M. Hackl, “Control Renewable Energy Systems”, Meeting with RICE Institute from Pilsen, Technical University of Munich, 11.04.2016.
58.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, Meeting with Bachmann electronic GmbH, Technical University of Munich, 17.02.2016.
57.C.M. Hackl, “Current PI-funnel control with anti-windup for reluctance synchronous machines”, Colloquium on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Achim Ilchmann, Elgersburg, 12.02.2016 (invited talk).
56.C.M. Hackl, “Regelung von regenerativen Energiesystemen – am Beispiel von Windkraftanlagen”, MSE Ringvorlesung “Welt der Ingenieurwissenschaften”, Technical University of Munich, Garching, 18.01.2016 (invited talk).
55.C.M. Hackl, “Current PI-funnel control with anti-windup for synchronous machines”, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, 16.12.2015. (Session Chair “Power Systems I”, DAAD funding).
54.C.M. Hackl, “Speed funnel control with disturbance observer for wind turbine systems with elastic shaft”, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, 16.12.2015. (Session Chair “Power Systems I”, DAAD funding).
53.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, Institute for Electrical Drive Systems and Power Elec- tronics, Project meeting, Technical University of Munich, 07.12.2015.
52.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, BMW, München, 24.11.2015.
51.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel Control in der Mechatronik”, Ringvorlesung Magnetics 4 Freaks”, Hochschule Heilbronn, Künzelsau, 19.11.2015 (invited talk).
50.C.M. Hackl, “Moderne Verfahren für regenerative Energiesysteme”, SinnPower GmbH, Gauting, 26.10.2015.
49.C.M. Hackl, “Control of renewable energy systems”, 2. Status-Quo Treffen Energy Valley Bavaria, Garching, 20.10.2015.
48.C.M. Hackl, “Moderne Verfahren zur Regelung und Parameterschätzung von Windkraftanlagen”, Bachmann electronic GmbH, Feldkirch, Österreich, 16.10.2015 (invited talk).
47.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear control and parameter estimation of renewable energy systems”, DIE University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 09.10.2015.
46.C.M. Hackl, “MPC with analytical solution and integral error feedback for LTI MIMO systems and its application to current control of grid-connected power converters with LCL-filter”, Valparaiso, Chile, 05.10.2015 (Session Chair).
45.C.M. Hackl, “Introduction and research foci of the TUM AWESCO partners”, Enerkite GmbH, Berlin, 03.09.2015.
44.C.M. Hackl, “Die regelungstechnische Einbindung ins Stromnetz”, Bayern Innovativ Cluster-Treffen ”Forchung für die Windenergie an der TUM”, Technical University of Munich, 15.07.2015. (invited talk).
43.C.M. Hackl, “Small-scale wind turbine systems with efficient and inexpensive generator topology for micro- grids”, 5th MSE Kolloquium ”Innovations for Energy Systems, Mobility, Buildings and Mate- rials”, Technical University of Munich, 09.07.2015 (Presentation award).
42.C.M. Hackl, “Regelung von regenerativen Energiesystemen: Wie und warum?”, TUM Garching – Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Technical University of Munich, 27.06.2015 (invited talk).
41.C.M. Hackl, “Regelung von Reluktanz-Synchronmaschinen für Elektrofahrzeuge”, Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeug- technik (FTM), Technical University of Munich, 24.06.2015.
40.C.M. Hackl, “Modellierung und Regelung von Windkraftanlagen (WKA) mit doppelt-gespeistem Asynchron- generator (DFIG)”, Nordex GmbH, Hamburg, 22.06.2015 (invited talk).
39.C.M. Hackl, “DC-link control for airborne wind energy systems during pumping mode”, Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2015, TU Delft, Netherlands, 15.06.2015.
38.C.M. Hackl, “Moderne Regelungsverfahren in der Energiewandlung”, Technische Universität Dortmund, 13.05.2015 (invited talk).
37.C.M. Hackl, “Die Asynchronmaschine: (Quasi-)Stationäre und dynamische Betrachtung”, Technische Universität Dortmund, 13.05.2015 (invited lecture series).
36.C.M. Hackl, “Nonlinear control of reluctance synchronous machines”, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 24.04.2015 (invited talk).
35.C.M. Hackl, “Modellierung und Regelung von Windkraftanlagen: Eine Einführung”, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, 02.04.2015 (invited talk).
34.C.M. Hackl, “Nicht-ideale Momentenregelung in Windkraftanlagen”, Bayern Innovativ, Nürnberg, 24.02.2015.
33.C.M. Hackl, “Renewable Energy Systems”, 1st Winter School of the Munich School of Engineering (TUM) on “Holistic Modeling and Control of Energy Systems”, Ohlstadt, 02.–06.02.2015 (initiator, organiser & lecturer).
32.C.M. Hackl, “Modeling and control of electrical components in wind turbine systems”, Wind Energy Institute, Technical University of Munich, 14.01.2015 (invited talk).
31.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control for wind turbine systems”, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France, 10.10.2014.
30.C.M. Hackl, “Windenergie”, Edgar-Lüscher Lectures 2014, Dillingen/Donau, 30.09.2014 (invited talk).
29.C.M. Hackl, “Path-following funnel control for rigid-link revolute-joint robotic systems”, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Groningen, Netherlands, 09.07.2014 (invited talk).
28.C.M. Hackl, “DC-link control: Understanding the nontrivial task”, 6th Meeting of the Renewable Energy Systems group of the Institute of Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics, Technical University of Munich, Munich, 18.06.2014.
27.C.M. Hackl, “Non-identifier based adaptive control in mechatronics: An overview”, IEEE Guest Lecture IAS/PELS South Africa Section, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 25.04.2014 (invited talk).
26.C.M. Hackl, “Modeling and control of wind turbine systems: An introduction”, Three days block seminar, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 23.+24.+29.04.2014 (invited talk).
25.C.M. Hackl, “Regelung der Zwischenkreisspannung: Ein Vergleich”, Kolloquium zur nichtlinearen Regelung leistungselektronischer Systeme und elektrischer Antriebe, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarland, 06.02.2014 (invited talk).
24.C.M. Hackl, “PI-funnel control with anti-windup and its application to speed control of electrical drives”, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 13.12.2013 (Session Chair “Adaptive Control II”, DAAD Förderung).
23.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control with disturbance observer for two-mass systems”, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 13.12.2013 (Session Chair “Adaptive Control II”, DAAD funding).
22.C.M. Hackl, “Elektrische Messung einer Drehbewegung anhand eines Beispiels”, Hochschule Augsburg, Uni- versity of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, 06.12.2013 (invited talk).
21.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control for motion control of mechatronic systems”, Hochschule Augsburg, University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, 06.12.2013 (invited talk).
20.C.M. Hackl, “Is multiple-objective model-predictive control ’optimal’?”, 2nd Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Munich, 17.10.2013.
19.C.M. Hackl, “PI-funnel Control mit Anti-windup”, Workshop GAMM-Fachausschuss “Dynamik und Regelungstheorie”, Magdeburg, 27.09.2013.
18.C.M. Hackl, “Dezentrale Bahnspannungsregelverfahren am Beispiel einer Papierstreichanlage”, Technical University of Munich, 11.02.2013.
17.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control for speed and position control: An overview”, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 13.12.2012 (invited talk, BayFOR funding).
16.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control in mechatronics: An introduction”, B&R Automation, Salzburg, Austria, 31.10.2012.
15.C.M. Hackl, “Position funnel control with linear internal model”, 2012 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 05.10.2012.
14.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control’ zur Positionsregelung von starren Drehgelenkrobotern mit grob bekannter Trägheitsmatrix”, Tagung des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.40 “Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik”, Salzburg, Austria, 19.09.2012.
13.C.M. Hackl, “‘Funnel control’ in der Robotik ?”, Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, 10.07.2012 (invited talk).
12.C.M. Hackl, “Position funnel control for rigid revolute joint robotic manipulators with known inertia matrix”, 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 05.07.2012.
11.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel control in mechatronics: An overview”, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 15.12.2011.
10.C.M. Hackl, “Grundlagen und Methoden der Regelungstechnik”, Fortbildungsseminar des IHK Bildungshau- ses Schwaben, Technical University of Munich, 04.10.2010– 06.10.2010.
9.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel Control für mechatronische Systeme mit Relativgrad 2”, Elgersburg Workshop 2010, Elgersburg, 01.03.2010.
8.C.M. Hackl, “Specially designed funnel-control in mechatronics,” 5th International Conference on Compu- tational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Linz, Austria, 20.06.2008.
7.C.M. Hackl, “Applicability of funnel-control in robotics,” 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Linz, Austria, 20.06.2008.
6.C.M. Hackl, “Nicht-Modellbasierte adaptive Regelung: Funnel Control – Einführung und mögliche Anwen- dungen”, Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, 24.10.2007 (invited talk).
5.C.M. Hackl, “Optimale Bahnzugregelung am Beispiel einer Papierstreichanlage”, 9. Bahnlaufseminar, TU Chemnitz, 12.09.2007.
4.C.M. Hackl, “Nonidentifier-based adaptive control with saturated control input compensation,” 15th Me- diterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greek, 28.06.2007.
3.C.M. Hackl, “Enhanced funnel-control with improved performance,” 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greek, 28.06.2007.
2.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel-control with online foresight”, 26th IASTED International Conference Modelling, Iden- tification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, 13.02.2007.
1.C.M. Hackl, “Funnel-control with integrating prefilter for nonlinear, time-varying two-mass flexible servo sys- tems”, 9th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Istanbul, Turkey, 05.10.2006.


4.C.M. Hackl, “Mechatronische und regenerative Energiesysteme”, Kumulativer Habilitationsbe- richt, Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik, Technische Universität München, 2019.
3.C.M. Hackl, „Contributions to high-gain adaptive control in mechatronics„, Dissertation, Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik, Technische Universität München, 2012.
2.C.M. Hackl, „Stabilitätsuntersuchungen adaptiver Regelungskonzepte für mechatronische Systeme“, Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme, Technische Universität München, 2004.
1.C.M. Hackl, „A physics-based model of electro-active polymer actuators as the bases for a Gopinath-style motion state observer,“ Bachelorthesis, Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme, Technische Universität München, Germany & Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2003.