The “Laboratory for Mechatronic and Renewable Energy Systems (LMRES)” was founded in 2018 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christoph M. Hackl.
The research of the laboratory focuses on design, modelling, control and simulation of intelligent mechatronic and renewable energy systems in order to boost energy efficiency, fault-tolerance, extended functionality, robustness/reliability and safety of the considered components and systems.
Its interdisciplinary expertise is based on the combination of engineering disciplines like machine design, electrical drives, power electronics and mechatronics and the mathematical discipline systems and control theory.
At the moment, we work on micro-grids (four-wire system) and electrical components of e.g. airborne wind energy systems, biogas power plants, small-scale and large-scale wind turbine systems, geothermal power plants, electric vehicles and industrial drives.